Most Expensive Fireworks Ever - Palm Jumeirah, Dubai

Dubai Celebrated the New Year with what the Guinness World Records already agrees to be the most exuberant and expensive firework presentation ever. A record crowd of 1.7 million people attended the even last year and the number its expected to be even larger this year, perhaps close to 2 million attendees (Matching the crowd present in Cape Canaveral for the Atlantis shuttle in May 2010, the last ever).

Shortly before Midnight in Dubai a record of 500,000 fireworks were set off for a display that lasted only 6 minutes (Short compared to the 20 minute spectacles we might be used too from Disney World and other 4th of July show-offs). The previous record was established by Kuwait's golden jubilee, in which more than 77,000 fireworks were launched.

The fireworks were shot off from the most popular local landmarks, including Palm Jumeirah, World Islands, the Burj Khalifa and Burj Al Arab covering a distance of 60 miles ~ 100 km of shoreline.

The set was designed by famed U.S. fireworks firm Fireworks by Grucci, and used 100 computers to synchronize the display, according to GWR. It took more than 200 technicians to design the six-minute spectacle, according to GWR.

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Buy, Sell, or Hold? - Top Vacation Destinations For 2014 [PART 1]

Life is about choices, with every choice we make we are really just trading on the alternative. Hence it would be rational to conclude every decision can be seen as a trade off. 

As most of us have a limited amount of time and resources available, I have compiled the Life Trader Top Vacation Destinations For 2014 list. Remember one trade is not always absolutely better than other. Timing is also an important factor.

Brazil (SELL) - Unless you're a huge soccer fan (in which case you probably already bought World Cup Tickets, because by now they are long gone) I'd recommend you to avoid Brazil in 2014. Media has given large coverage on how unprepared the country logistics are for the amount of tourism the WC2014 will generate next year.

Panama (BUY) - As of recent years Panama has been on every list of exciting destinations and best places to retire in the world. August 2014 will mark the 100th aniversary of the Panama Canal. The country is not as cheap as it used to be but still easily affordable. Don't get too caught up in the chaotic city and spend most of your time enjoying the rain forest and off the path beaches. Be prepared for extreme heat and humidity.

Myanmar (HOLD) - Myanmar touristic popularity has been increasing rapidly. The country however, has not adapted so fast to this dynamic. If you're the first mover type, go. Otherwise, wait.

Iceland (SELL) - NASA forecast an 11-year cycle of solar activity to peak this winter. For Space aficionados Iceland will be one of the best places to appreciate Northern Lights during the first few months of the year. Unless you're going for the Auroa Borealis spectacle trade out.

Ecuador (BUY) - Ecuador is overhauling their tourism oriented infrastructure by increasing the sector Government budget allocation by 300% in the next 4 years. A beautiful country as it is, relatively inexpensive and a top destination for Eco-Adventurers. 

New Zealand (HOLD) - New Zealand remains a must visit destination in one's lifetime. You're sure to enjoy some of the most beautiful sights in the world. Expect to drop some big bucks, specially if you're planning on hitting the skiing slopes. In 2014 the country will complete it's 2,500 KM (1,500 miles) cycle trail. If you don't want to run into Lance Armstrong and friends, this trip can wait. New Zealand beauty is not going anywhere.

Costa Rica (HOLD) - If you haven't been to Central America or South America, Costa Rica is always a good place to start. Relatively inexpensive and safe for Americans. Will likely offer the least amount of culture shock of the destinations in the list. You will enjoy an array of activities for families with children in its friendly beaches and tourist accessible rain forests. If you're looking for more excitement, then skip this one.

*To be continued...

2013 Top Wall Street Trades Recap

If you invested in any of the following through the year, or even better, you already had a stake on these products you're either a life trader or simply very lucky. Either way you deserve a pat in the back. In case you missed them, these were some of the best returns in 2013*: 

1. Japanese stocks (The Nikkei 225 is up more than 50% in 2013)
2. Greek government bonds (Up more than 50% so far this year), Greek Stocks (The Athex Composite index is up more than 30%) 
3. Tesla (Rising 318% this year), Netflix (Rising 293% this year) 
4. Bank of Ireland (Up 138% after its recent collapse to a penny) 
5. US Stocks (The S&P is up 25%) 
6. Spanish Bonds (Generated a return of around 12%) 
7. Shekels, the Israeli currency (Rising roughly 6% against the greenback) 

 If we could only know ahead the list for 2014... 

*NOTE: Due to its popularity and complicated nature I will be covering one the best and most controversial investments of our times in a future post (BitCoins ~ 4,000% ytd & their successor, LightCoins)

2013 A Year in Review: From Top International Stories To Twitter

With only two weeks left in the year, it's worth noting some of the stories and events that made it to the headlines or simply flooded our social media feeds...

Top International Stories 

1. Papal succession 
2. Tension in Syria 
3. Reform in China 
4. Royal baby 
5. Japanese Abenomics 
6. National Security Agency leaks 
7. Social unrest in Russia 
8. Egyptian coup 
9. World Trade Organization deal (Bali) 
10. Rana Plaza collapse (Bangladesh) 

Top Twitter Trends 

January: London chopper crash, the Australian Open, the inauguration 
February: Super Bowl, Academy Awards, Fashion Week 
March: New pope, March Madness 
April: Boston Marathon bombings, Margaret Thatcher dies 
May: Soccer, cricket and more soccer 
June: NBA Finals, DOMA/Prop 8, Stanley Cup, India floods 
July: Wimbledon, the Royal Baby (squeeee!!!!!!!!), Tour de France, Sharknado 
August: 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, MTV VMAs 
September: Elections in Australia and Germany, Emmys 
October: Government shutdown, World Serie 
November: Typhoon Haiyan, Bat Kid, Iran Talks 
December: Mandela dies, World Cup draw, looking forward to Sochi