2013 A Year in Review: From Top International Stories To Twitter

With only two weeks left in the year, it's worth noting some of the stories and events that made it to the headlines or simply flooded our social media feeds...

Top International Stories 

1. Papal succession 
2. Tension in Syria 
3. Reform in China 
4. Royal baby 
5. Japanese Abenomics 
6. National Security Agency leaks 
7. Social unrest in Russia 
8. Egyptian coup 
9. World Trade Organization deal (Bali) 
10. Rana Plaza collapse (Bangladesh) 

Top Twitter Trends 

January: London chopper crash, the Australian Open, the inauguration 
February: Super Bowl, Academy Awards, Fashion Week 
March: New pope, March Madness 
April: Boston Marathon bombings, Margaret Thatcher dies 
May: Soccer, cricket and more soccer 
June: NBA Finals, DOMA/Prop 8, Stanley Cup, India floods 
July: Wimbledon, the Royal Baby (squeeee!!!!!!!!), Tour de France, Sharknado 
August: 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, MTV VMAs 
September: Elections in Australia and Germany, Emmys 
October: Government shutdown, World Serie 
November: Typhoon Haiyan, Bat Kid, Iran Talks 
December: Mandela dies, World Cup draw, looking forward to Sochi 


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